Africa’s population mainly uses traditional biomass to provide for their energy needs. The
alternatives such as LPG, kerosene and electricity are too expensive. These products require
expensive conversion technologies which are beyond financial affordability. The traditional
biomass's, charcoal low-efficiency or firewood are not much cheaper but they require no
technologies to convert the energy source into utilization. In addition, 67 % of the African
population has no access to electricity, and therefore utilize available energy sources, which
results in 730 million Africans dependent on wood fuels.
Growing Demand
The international charcoal market has doubled over the last year to a total figure of 4 million tons
per year. Europe imports more than 600.000 tons per year, the main source of these exports
originate in Africa. All in all, the problem is of global scope. The greatest demand emerges in
lesser developed countries. Africa produced and consumed 32 million tons of charcoal, 62% of
the charcoal worldwide, in 2016. In 2015, the charcoal market in Africa accumulated to 25 million
tons, this means that Africa experienced a growth in demand in the last two years. The market is
predicted to double, maybe even triple, by 2050.
Charcoal Industry
The charcoal producers are numerous and operate on a small scale applying no technologies or
sustainable practices. This results in a fragmented market, a market not regulated or controlled,
a so called informal sector. Therefore, the charcoal has no standards and the consumer has no
guarantee concerning the origin or the quality of the charcoal. Additionally, the sector is not
taxed by the government and consequently hundreds of millions of dollars do not support the
development of the economy or region.
Traditional Charcoal Production
The most common method of pyrolysis is the earth mound. This traditional method has been
practiced for thousands of years and is of historical importance for human evolution. However,
the traditional method is very inefficient, ineffective and environmentally harmful. In low-income
countries, the earth mound is the most common method of charcoal production.
Today, the use of traditional pyrolysis methods in correlation with unsustainable harvesting is the
greatest contributor of GHG emissions along the charcoal value chain and improvements could
help lower the amount. Furthermore, an estimated one million Africans die annually because of
smoke poisoning. This is partially because the traditional charcoal process produces poor quality
charcoal with a high volatile content which results in bad combustion and therefore in extensive
smoke formation.
About Us
We strive to sustainability in every aspect of human life by means of promoting an evolution towards equity and inclusion.
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DE - 53175 Bonn
(+49) 160 909 633 17