Our Cradle to Cradle based process

Continuous assessment and development

Dispose of waste

Collect biomass waste from industries and local communities

Produce green charcoal

Apply clean technology to transform waste into green energy.

Environmental footprint

Measure and account the true costs of the production on its ecosystem.


Designate the green charcoal to the population most in need of it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our company employs an eco-efficient and eco-effective technology, which reduces the input by 2/3 and prevents pollution by more than 95 %. Beyond that our company has a cradle to cradle based approach, which means we substitute the input material trees with the abundantly available biomass residual waste from industries, agriculture and communities.
SCC – Industries believes it has a great corporate responsibility and therefore commits a big share of its resources and profit towards local CSR projects and infrastructure. The company is planning diverse initiatives to generate social and environmental impacts beyond its areas of operation.
  • Cooking stoves initiative
  • Resource initiative
  • Water management and supply provision
  • Renewable energy initiative
Most of the population will not be affected on a short term by renewable energies, and will continue to consume and apply wood fuels, such as wood and charcoal, to meet their existential energy demands. This is on the one hand due to the low income of the greater share of the population, and on the other hand, the infrastructure in Africa is not growing accordingly to the rate of the populations growth.
The demand for charcoal is growing steadily in Africa and our distribution will cover this higher demand, which means on the other hand that the given supply chains will not be disrupted. Beyond that we want to substitute the jobs created by the traditional charcoal production by integrating the local charcoal producers into our supply chains for raw material. This will provide these people with a more stable job and a cleaner working environment.
Emissions resulting from combustion of sustainably produced and processed biomass are recognized as being neutralized – i.e. virtually zero – over time, as new biomass is grown to replace it and take up the same amount of CO2.

The burning of charcoal and other bioenergy’s is carbon neutral because the only carbon released is the carbon that was captured from the atmosphere when the biofuel was growing. However, to achieve or claim an overall carbon neutrality the entire life-cycle of the whole value chain must also be included in the valuation. (Generation of feedstocks, conversion of land for producing feedstock as well as the production process of the bioenergy)

Used for heat, biomass energy is approximately 75-80 percent efficient, while generation of electricity is only 20-25 percent efficient, and conversion to liquid fuels for transportation applications are even less efficient overall.
The African consumers account for 62 % of the global demand. And therefore, account for the greatest share of the problems resulting from unsustainable and inefficient charcoal production worldwide. And on the other hand, the African consumers are heavily dependent on the wood fuels, charcoal and wood. In addition, the African demand is growing progressively and could triple by the year 2050.
Our strategy is to integrate our company entirely in the African environment. Design and implementation will be supported from the very beginning with African expertise. Officially registering as a Certified SDG project under the Gold Standard and the Key Project Agreements will help to raise transparency and awareness to our operations in Africa. Beyond that a community based approach as well as integrating our business in the environment, society and economy will greatly strengthen our support from an African perspective.
Set-Up of an official Key Project Agreement with the host countries government. As well as involving multilateral development banks, or “MDBs,” provides a strong incentive to host governments and their state-owned entities to honor their contractual obligations. MDBs offer two types of guarantee products: credit guarantees and risk guarantees.

  • Credit guarantees cover all or part of a financial obligation (usually a loan or bond) and are triggered irrespective of the cause of the default — whether political or commercial
  • Risk guarantees cover all or part of a financial obligation, but are called only when the government or government-owned entity fails to meet specific obligations under project agreements to which it is a party.

About Us

We strive to sustainability in every aspect of human life by means of promoting an evolution towards equity and inclusion.

Our Contacts

Ahrstraße 18
DE - 53175 Bonn

(+49) 160 909 633 17